Clinical Summaries

Clinical Summary of Blatt AJ, Lieberman JM, Hoover DR, Kaufman HW The objective of this study... Show more
Clinical Summary of Blatt AJ, Lieberman JM, Hoover DR, Kaufman HW The objective of this study was to estimate the rates of testing, prevalence, and follow-up testing for chlamydial and gonococcal infection in a nationally based population that is comparable with the US pregnant population in terms of age and race. Read the Hologic clinical summary document for Blatt AJ, Lieberman JM, Hoover DR, Kaufman HW. Please visit PubMed for the full text article.
Abstract: Chapin K, Andrea S Read the Hologic abstract document for Chapin K, Andrea... Show more
Abstract: Chapin K, Andrea S Read the Hologic abstract document for Chapin K, Andrea S. Please visit PubMed for the full text article.    